Le vade mecum des flèches par EASTON

dimanche 25 novembre 2007
par  _Jean-Eric_
popularité : 12%

Un document en englais édité par EASTON (2nd Edition) pour fabriquer, dimensionner, entretenir ses flèches.


This section includes step-by-step tuning procedures
for obtaining optimum performance and accuracy from
your bow and arrow setup. Also included are equipment
setup tips, and suggested solutions to most bow
tuning problems.

Subject Page

Preliminary Bow Setup .............................................. 1
Standard Tuning Methods Bare Shaft Planing Test ........4
Paper Tuning Arrow Test............................................ 6
Short Distance Fine Tuning Test ................................. 8
Trouble-Shooting Arrow Groups .................................. 8
Bow & Arrow Adjustments ........................................ 10
Broadhead Tuning .....................................................11
Fine Tuning ...............................................................12
Micro Tuning ............................................................ 14

Maintenance & Assembly

This section provides instructions for properly cutting
shafts and installing components. Arrow maintenance
procedures are also included.

Subject Page

Measuring and Cutting Shafts ................................. 15
Aluminum Shaft Component Installation ................... 18
Aluminum/Carbon Component Installation ................. 20
Carbon ICS Component Installation ........................... 23
External Component Installation ................................ 24
Installing Nock Systems ........................................... 26
Additional Information ............................................... 30

Sur le site d’EASTON vous pourrez télécharger un utilitaire permettant de sélectionner les types de flèches "possibles" suivant votre allonge (en inch, ex. 28’’), votre force (en pounds, ex. 40#) et le poids en grain des flèches.

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